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What are typical rates for pet sitting services, and how do factors like the number of pets, location, and additional duties (such as administering medication or providing extended care) affect the...
How can I find a reliable and experienced pet sitter in my area, and what are some effective ways to check their references and background?
What should be included in a pet sitting contract or agreement to clearly outline the responsibilities and expectations of both the pet owner and the sitter?
How can I prepare my home and my pet for the arrival of a pet sitter to make the transition smooth and stress-free for my pet?
What qualifications or certifications should I look for in a professional pet sitter to ensure they are trustworthy and capable of taking care of my pets' needs?
What kind of information and instructions should I provide to my pet sitter before leaving?
How can I ensure the safety and security of both my pet and home while I'm away?
What are the typical responsibilities of a pet sitter during a standard appointment?
How can I prepare my home and pet for a pet sitter’s visit?
What qualifications or certifications should I look for when hiring a professional pet sitter?